def hIndex(citations):. """ Python/ :type citations: List[int]. :rtype: int. # Given an array of citations
Heat index is often referred to as humiture, and is similar to wind chill in its attempt to measure perceived, rather than actual temperature. For example, an air temperature of 83°F with a relative humidity of 70% would result in an estimated 88°F perceived temperature.
It will, however, only show results for scholars with public profiles, as well as those of historical scientists like Albert Einstein . This free heat index calculator estimates heat index temperature felt by human body based on the actual measured air temperature together with humidity level or dew point. Also, explore the wind chill and dew point calculators, as well as hundreds of other calculators. The h-index is an author-level metric that measures both the productivity and citation impact of the publications of a scientist or scholar.
• American Improvement Program (ACS-NSQIP) surgical risk calculator. • Gupta index. Ett exempel: om det är -20C ute och det blåser 10 km/h kan hudtemperaturen bli -27C, Under länk 1 nedan finns en "windchill calculator" - pröva gärna den! Åland Index har blivit en global bankstandard.
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""" Python/ :type citations: List[int]. :rtype: int.
The calculation of Hirsch's h-index is a detail-ignoring way, therefore, single h-index could not reflect the difference of time spans for scientists to accumulate their papers and citations.
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The h-index in the Citation Report reflects citations as of the most recent database update, so it could vary upon subsequent analyses. Calculating: A researcher (or a set of papers) has an h-index of N if he/she has published N papers that have N or more citations each. The h-index is based on Times Cited data from the database.
2. Working on an 2020-11-17 · The calculation of the h-index requires an accurate count of the number of articles published and the number of citations received. Access to a subscription-based service such as Scopus makes the calculation much easier, but there are other freely available tools out there. The h-index is considered a representative measurement of research impact because it discounts the disproportionate weight of highly cited publications and of work that has not yet been cited. However, the h-index is not without issues.
forEach(function(a,b){a.index=b,"undefined"==typeof a.x&&(a.x=f/2,a.y=i/2),j[b]=a.x,k[b]=a.y});var o;A?o=A:(o=new a.shortestpaths.Calculator(e,y,g,h,d). Av H.Hansen. C303_RepairManual&Spareparts.pdf. 93 nedladdningar. 1 kommentar. Inlagd för 1 Januari.